Closing time….

Sometimes, when one door closes, another opens…

Its with a sad panda heart that I close this door,Β it’s time for me to close down REKT in world, and i bow down gracefully to all those of you who have supported the store and been so wonderful in helping me through this journey. It’s been alot of hard work, sweat and tears that have brought on this decision, and sometimes, business is business and you have to do what’s best for the time being.

However, the adventure doesn’t stop here. πŸ™‚ I’ll keep you guys posted as to what will happen soon.

Much love and again thank you all for the support. The store will be open until the end of the week.

Ill be letting you guys know what’s up with future projects here soon because as i’ve said, the adventure doesn’t stop here πŸ™‚


